Graduate Teaching Instructor for First-Year Composition, August 2012 - Present
Taught the first-year rhetoric and composition cycle of English 103/104. Encouraged students to express themselves academically, professional, and personally through a variety of tailored assignments. Emphasized audience, genre, and organization in student writing. Designed creative daily lesson plans that catered to a spectrum of student learning styles. Assessed as many as 44 student papers on a regular basis throughout a given semester.
“Chaucer Unfolded: Narrative Levels and Transitions in Troilus and Criseyde and The Canterbury Tales.” Midwestern Conference on Literature, Language, & Media. DeKalb, Illinois. March 23, 2013.
Co-developed and delivered presentation, “Surviving Graduate Exams.” DeKalb, Illinois. September 2012.
Admitted to the Illinois Bar, November 2006
Associate Attorney, March 2007 - August 2012
Litigated a wide variety of commercial matters ranging from employment disputes and liens to complex matters involving contracts and trusts. Negotiated settlements in contract and employment disputes. Other practice areas include probate, collections, mortgage foreclosure, and appeals. Appeared in both state and federal court, including a successful appeal to the United States Supreme Court.
Clerk, May 2005 - March 2007
Composed motions, memoranda, trademark applications, client letters, interrogatories, and other legal documents on a wide variety of matters including trademark infringement, international breach of contract, and personal injury. Drafted section of a Reply Brief to the Illinois Court of Appeals concerning retaliatory discharge and fraud. Managed client billing. Maintained office computer network.
Summer Associate, Summer 2004
Prepared research memorandum on corporate legal issues including trade disparagement, subpoenas, breach
of fiduciary duty, OSHA regulations, and hotel mismanagement under federal arbitration law.
Authored two successful independent story-games, including the design, layout, marketing, and publication of two books, Hero’s Banner: The Fury of Free Will and Mars Colony, as well as a supporting website.